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The engineer basically is concerned with the application of scientific principles to practical problems. Engineering spans such a wide range of activities, including over 25 major specialties, that employment opportunities for engineers include the entire spectrum of the workforce. In a typical four-year engineering curriculum, the first two years are spent studying basic sciences, including math, chemistry, and physics; the last two years emphasize engineering, advanced math and science courses.


Degrees & Certificates in Engineering



Associate in Engineering Science Degree

Rend Lake College offers courses applicable to the first two years of a typical four-year engineering curriculum.

The engineer is concerned with the application of scientific principles to practical problems. Engineering spans a wide range of activities, including 25 major specialties, and employment opportunities throughout the spectrum of the workforce. In a typical four-year engineering curriculum, the first two years are spent studying basic math, chemistry and physics; the last two years emphasize engineering, advanced math, and science courses.

This degree will require a total of 68 credit hours. General education courses are described in the Illinois General Education Core Curriculum. Because completion of this engineering curriculum does not fulfill the requirements of the Illinois General Education Core Curriculum, students will need to complete the general education requirements of the institution to which they transfer. RLC has partnered in 2+2 programs with both Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Missouri University of Science and Technology, through which graduates of RLC's program may transfer smoothly into related programs with these universities. Contact your academic advisor for further information.

► Total = 68 Hours

Consult with your counselor or advisor for more information about A.E.S. Degree requirements.

First Semester (17 Cr. Hrs.)

  • CHE 1103 Inorganic Chemistry (see prerequisites) 3 (5)
  • ENGG 1101 Engineering Graphics (4)
  • ENGL 1101 Rhetoric and Composition I 1 (3)
  • MATH 1121 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 1, 3 (5)

Second Semester (16 Cr. Hrs.)

  • COMM 1101 Principles of Effective Speaking (3)
  • ENGL 1102 Rhetoric and Composition II (3)
  • MATH 2122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 1, 3 (5)
  • PHY 1103 University Physics I 3 (5)

Third Semester (18 Cr. Hrs.)

  • CSCI 1103 Intro to Programming 2 (3)
  • ECON 2101 Principles of Economics I (3)
  • MATH 2123 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III 3 (4)
  • PHY 1104 University Physics II 3 5
  • PHY 2101 Statics (3)

Fourth Semester (17 Cr. Hrs.)

  • BIO 1100 Biology for Non-Majors (4)
  • MATH 2130 Differential Equations (3)
  • PHIL 2101 Logic (3)
  • PHY 2102 Dynamics (3)
  • PHY 2121 Electrical Engineering Circuits (4)


  • CHE 1104 Inorganic Chemistry / Qual. Analysis 4 (5)
  • CHE 2120 Organic Chemistry I (5)
  • CHE 2121 Organic Chemistry II (5)
  • MATH 2108 Linear Algebra
  • HEA 1101 Health Education

1 Prerequisite course(s) may be required based on test scores.

2 Some schools required CSCI 1104. Please consult your advisor before transferring.

3 To guarantee full transfer of credit, students must complete the entire course sequence at the same school before transfer.

note icon The Engineering program listed is a general one. The actual program of studies the student should follow depends upon:

  1. The student’s educational background prior to entering Rend Lake College
  2. The specific engineering field of interest (such as chemical, electrical, civil, etc.)
  3. The four-year institution to which the student intends to transfer. A specific program of study needs to be devised for each student by the engineering advisor.

Requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering usually are more extensive than the normal baccalaureate degree. Many, if not most, students find it takes 4-5 years of study to meet all requirements.

Rend Lake College has an engineering curriculum that has been articulated with the University of Illinois, University of Missouri at Rolla, Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Students should see an engineering advisor for specific information about these agreements.


Associate in Science Degree

Engineering Technology combines the analytical approach to engineering with the practical skills necessary to apply modern technology. With greater theoretical understanding and mathematical background than the technicians, the engineering technologist finds new and better solutions for today’s problems in the current state of the art, taking the most advanced ideas from limited use to broad-based acceptance.

► Total = 64 Hours


First Semester (17 Cr. Hrs.)

  • CHE 1101 General Chemistry I 1 (5)
     or CHE 1103 Inorganic Chemistry
  • ENGG 1101 Engineering Graphics (4)
  • ENGL 1101 Rhetoric and Composition I (3)
  • PHY 1101 College Physics I (3)
     Or PHY 1103 University Physics I

Second Semester (16 Cr. Hrs.)

  • ENGL 1102 Rhetoric and Composition II (3)
  • MATH 1121 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 2 (5)
  • PHIL 2101 Logic
     or PHIL 2104 Ethics (3)
  • PHY 1102 College Physics II 
     or University Physics II(3)

Third Semester (16 Cr. Hrs.)

  • ECON 2101 Principles of Economics I (3)
     or ECON 2102 Principles of Economics II
  • HEA 1101 Health Education (3)
  • MATH 2122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II (3)
  • PHY 2101 Statics (3)
  • Elective – Social Science (3)

Fourth Semester (15 Cr. Hrs.)

  • COMM 1101 Principles of Effective Speaking (3)
  • MATH 2123 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III (4)
  • Elective – Social Science (3)
  • Elective – Life Science4 (5)

1 May take CHE 140A at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, no lab.

2 Prerequisite course(s) may be required based on test scores.

3 Student should also take PHY 1102 to guarantee full transfer of College Physics sequence to a four-year university.

4 One Fine Arts course and one Humanities course needed to meet IAI core requirements.



Rend Lake College has an engineering curriculum that has been articulated with the University of Illinois, University of Missouri at Rolla, Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
Students should see an engineering advisor for specific information about these agreements.

articulation 1 icon


Faculty & Staff

Dean of Arts & Sciences Division
Phone Extension: 1258
Building: North Oasis
Office: 145
M.S. Eastern Illinois University | B.S. Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Administrative Assistant | Arts & Sciences Division
Phone Extension: 1263
Building: North Oasis
Office: 134
A.S. Business Administration, Southeastern Illinois College A.A. Business Administration, Southeastern Illinois College

Arts & Sciences Division
Phone: (618) 437-5321 Ext. 1263
Email: [email protected]
Address: 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846 Attn: Arts & Sciences
Fax Number: (618) 437-5677 Attn: Arts & Sciences


Getting Started Is Easy As 1 - 2- 3!



Connect with us!
Academic Advisement Center
Administration Building, Office 115
[email protected] • 618.437.5321, Ext. 1266

College office hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 AM – 4:30 PM • Friday 8 AM – 4 PM 
Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 4 PM During Summer


Engineering - RLC 2+2 SIUE
